Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Was Yesterday's Lesson Intereting And Useful?

   Today we meet again in my blog.before i create my blog,thank you for read and give the comment.The title I would like to story about Was Yesterday Lesson Interesting And Useful.today is the day we have english class and second group to present the contextual titlethey are doing by power point presentation and one by one to present. we all pay attention to our understanding of title,.easy to me for understanding. My group the third group to make presentations. Do not forget ,the title of contextual Clues  that the words are explanation or told the meaning behind the text.has several parts of contextual clues are definition, synonym ,anthonym or example,explanation,restatement and general context.
     Definitions are the meaning  is given in the sentences and the words below will be the signal  for the difinition of the word.The meaning of examples are illustrate the word. for the more examples,synonym the words of same meaning are given in the article .Antonyms words of the opposite meaning are given  and usually  introduced by the words below.And one more,general context are information around the words  that provide hint on the meaning.After that, we do the some work or quiz that the given by group presentation.We are doing together and discussion with friends.after finish the presentation my teacher explain and flash back the topic.we are so happy  about my class yesterday's.thank you teacher and friends  for the learn more information .                                                       

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