Wednesday, 23 November 2011


      Today, I have a class at Osman block in 4.00pm..I feel so happy but tired because I have many class.. I go to class with my friends and see a teacher at the class.After that,my teacher command try to check the list name for,I have new teacher and new friends from others course.In my first inpression, i think a teacher very fierce but no, teacher are so kind and happy.At the class, teacher learn to I and friend about what are we doing in free time,and i try to writing with my friend.Before I forget ,my teacher name is miss Junaidah Binti Abdul Rahman.I like to study in mis Junaidah class.In one week , I have 2 class of english on teusday an wednesday.I like to writing in the class and learn more about grammar . After that,we can known  about true  or false  or step in writing the english.And I hope i can known and increase my english subject.lastly, i can like to learn english subject and get more information and not fell so down in english subject.Before that,i dont like english subject and not to study ..and now i like and happy to learn the english subject with my friend or try to get more vocabulary.